A desperate man was seen crawling on a street in #China’s Gansu, dragging a woman’s leg to stop letting her go. The man, so desperate that he even dragged down the Ex-girlfriend's stockings, kept begging her to stay. And the Ex could be heard yelling “You have no shame. That’s impossible!” The man is seen slapped 12 times.
This is how I was when I was passing a kidney stone .
I thought you could break then with soundwaves now. They were working on that decades ago. Anyway, at around 60+ God still decided to not let me have any.
This is how I was last month while I was passing a kidney stone
Looks like you get quite a workout.
That looks like some good shit! Where do I get me some?
That was me last week when a charley horse woke me at 2am. You know the one that curls your foot so that your toes touch your heel.
Ya gotta get up and walk it off, GS. But this one brain celled jock couldn't even manage to do that! Chemistry - It's what life is made of! Ahahaha!!
nah i better keep smoking weed
I wonder what that shit is doing his damn brain....he is probably fucked for life now.
Is anybody gonna help Jiggy up?
Little too intense for me.
Ah,maybe just an ounce for grins and giggles.ha
Build machines to endlessly torture the people who distribute this drug.
I outline designed a machine to whip people according to height & weight (& a possible age element) 40 years ago; for convicted volunteers who would otherwise get a heftier prison sentence. It was part of a plan to reduce prison costs on the taxpayer: but 'Human Right's' ch1mps blocked the path, because they can get you to pay for their idiocy.
You had to settle for the spike strip.
He'd be a riot at the beach on a bridge--better yet, let him audition while Pelosi is having one of her public seizures and let the public judge which of them is more credible.
That's no drug he probably saw his gas and electric bill.
Maybe that was in front of a grocery.
That's the drug.
I can't hang Bap.
Stuffed kill me.ha
That's me after my first bolw job
ha ha aha ha aha ha ha ha whew
ha ha ha I can't breeve ha ha ha ha hep me ha ha ha
ha ha ha ahh&
Never learned how to keep your emotions out of it, huh, Rat?
Don’t get me wrong, finish the fuckin wall and throw all the fuckin dealers in prison and throw away the key and stop listening the the media with their “poor nîggers in prison narrative. BUT, why in the fuck am I supposed to feel bad for all these homeless drug addicts dying in the streets as if they were forced to take this shit in the first place? Sucks, but life is full of choices.
This is how zombies are made.
Well, at least he won't get the coof because he is wearing a mask...
Why would an otherwise fairly healthy person do that (drug)?
He lost 30lbs on the flaca workout!
Of course, that was in his brain, but whose counting calories?! Hahaha!!
Moderna or Pfizer?
Johnson and Johnson. Black Market talcum powder will do that to ya! Lol!
That is some hardcore break dancing. Most use a piece of linoleum or some kind of mat.
So you mask up because you're afraid of a virus with a survival rate of 99.7%...but you are perfectly fine with taking a drug which could potentially lead to such atrocious effetcs...that makes perfect sense! Some people are just stupid beyond salvation...
FFS?! Couldn't find any angel dust?
AOC will date him.
As long as he doesn't pick her feet in Poughkeepsie! Hehehe.
Just imagine if that dumb jock wasn't. The horror! 😷😱
Jiggy Dad
Is that Hunter Biden under that mask ?