WARREN, Ohio -A feud between neighbors in Warren turned violent and it was all caught on camera.
Warren Police say the attack on two individuals follows allegations of racial tensions and words exchanged outside an apartment complex off of North Park Avenue.
Alicia Code, 46, Warren, was standing outside her apartment in the parking lot on August 25, holding up a sign that alleged her neighbors were racist. In the surveillance video provided to Warren police, Code's nephew speaks with two individuals and then begins to punch and attack a male and female victims.
The female victim suffered minor injuries.
Police say David Boss, 26, of Warren, continued to hit the female victim before Code appears to throw her to the ground.
No matter what was said, police say there's no excuse for the violence.
"They never once fight back, they never once raise a hand up to even defend themselves," Rob Massucci said, Warren police captain.
Boss is facing two felony aggravated assault charges in this case. Code is charged with assault.
This is why you can't live next to niggers
Im black and agree ... thats a thug and every other negative name you can think of ... but all blacks are not like this ... some of us do care ... dont be quick to judge ...
As a white guy I have to say this about whites; we are quick to judge because this shit happens so often and blacks do nothing to police their own kind. All they want to do is shout racism and white supremacy. We have to follow the same rules that you do. The difference is we follow them and blacks just want to get a free ride.
I'll always be quick to judge until I (we) start to see more blacks speaking out against blacks and admit black on black crime is the biggest problem in the black community.
Don't break the law, fail to listen to cops and you will not get shot "for no reason." Turn your anger against whites toward the people that gave you the stereotype of all niggers are bad. That's the niggers, not white people.
I agree completely. I know way more white niggers than any other people. The word faggot has also changed through time. The Republicans in the 60's to the 90's tried to blame homosexuals for being a burden on society, which is what it meant in the medieval times.
In real life i don't judge so quickly, but this character I'm doing online does judge with brutal haste.
yea only like 99.9999 % of blacks are like this-not all "them'
After reading eveyones comments ... your hate keeps me warm ... yes they are niggers as some you stated but your judging a whole race off of a video ... some of you love air conditioning, peanut butter , combing your hair ... js
Nah central air is better and so is nutella
Black offenders/perpetrators shout racism when they get caught.
These assholes are are too dumb to remember, 'The boy who cried wolf.'
You mean the black boy who cried wolf?
When I was a kid he was called Little Black Sambo!
Black couple beat their white neighbors - Media black out.
But...But...Trump said something that triggered a useless liberal worm - 24/7 Media coverage.
Savages... niggers are a plague on this earth. Shoot them now.
You can try ... some of us niggers can actually shoot ...
Ha! Niggers can't shoot worth shit. That's why all those welfare nigglets get shot by stray bullets fired by retarded ghetto chimps holding a gun sideways. Forgive me for not cowering in fear, Harambe...
Blacks being black..Monkey animals.
But the "My neighbors want to lynch me and burn my body" seems like such a reasonable complaint.
I think we (white people) get so pissed when we see this is because you can't grasp wtf are these boneheads thinking. Why don't they act like human beings. It's because they aren't able to think like people they're wired different so in turn should be treated different.
You're a simpleton.
I could say the same thing about a lot of whites I know. People with an IQ of less than 100 (most of America) should be put down at birth, but that's just the way I see thing.
One more reason why we don't allow negro's in my neighborhood!
Just in ur military to defend your rascist ass ...
Now now no name calling....
Nope he'll likely go to jail. Stop talking shit.
The whites are weak cucks. If the whitebread had some balls he should have stood up to that scummy nigger. Wheres your gun, dickhead?
the people you faggots keep voting for probably outlawed them
Homosexuals such as yourself should learn not to write stupid comments. It would make a nice change.
your response was basically "i know you are but what am i" and "your comments are dumb" honestly, is that all you could come up with?
What else do I need to come up with? Your comments are dumb, and you cant see it. Shit comments deserve shit answers.
your comments are dumber.
Because your shit comments bring out the worst in people. lol
They are 13% of the population. Let that sink in.
We are 70%
70 fucking percent.
The govt is the pied piper and the minorities are just dancing in line all the way to their own demise. Race war? More like a continental cleansing.
Tell us something we dont know.
There are people who shoplift, and dont get caught.
There are people who avoid tax, and dont get caught.
There are people who cheat on their spouse, and dont get caught.
There are people who speed above the traffic limit, and dont get caught.
There are people who ride the subway without a ticket, and dont get caught.
etc etc etc
Nothing has motivated me to be successful in life more then the unwillingness to live next to nigs