Tucker Carlson Tonight debuted this past Monday on Fox News Channel and already it’s risen to the level of must-see television for Americans who crave a smart and witty take on news, politics and pop-culture.
Carlson has been a part of the conservative commentariat for twenty years and after stints as host of Crossfire on CNN as well as an entertaining turn on MSNBC (back when there was at least an appearance of balance on that network) he launched The Daily Caller and became the weekend host of Fox & Friends.
But with Tucker Carlson Tonight, the formerly-bow-tie-clad pundit has found his home and hit his stride.
Wednesday night’s broadcast provides a perfect example of why you’ve got to watch or DVR this program.
Carlson had a segment on the anti-Trump protests that have continued in major urban centers for the past week. Rather than invite a panel of pundits to hand-wring and argue over who’s to blame or what should e done he engaged directly with one of the protesters in an interview that needs to e highlighted on every Faceook page in America.
Behold Tucker Carlson, untilizing his affable wit and informed logic to challenge the very premise of Rutgers student Alex Uematsu’s reason for protesting President-elect Trump: Immigration policyCarlson begins his interview with a simple question: “Who do you think has a right to come to this country?”
Uematsu, bless his heart, took the bait and relexivly answered that everyone has a right to come to America. From that point the Rutgers student was forced to defend his position and the logical outcomes of his simplistic notion. Clearly defending his position is something he had not been forced to do in his many years in academia because Carlson picked apart every angle of his Utopian, border-less dream.