00:56 Wild Russian Propaganda Video Shows Moscow's Defense System Blowing Up A Santa Carrying NATO Missiles 6 0 0
02:17 Man Beats Florist To Death For Posting A Photo Of A Floral Arrangement The Killer's Wife Created 1 11 0
01:43 Disturbing Body-Cam Footage Shows A New York Correctional Officer Beat A Handcuffed Man To Death 2 2 0
01:00 Retired Cop Pulls A Gun On His Neighbor For Loud Music On Christmas Day, Things Get Heated, Ends Up Killing His Neighbor 7 3 0
11:04 FINALLY! British MP Nigel Farage Calls for the Arrest of George Soros on the EU Parliament Floor 4 1 0
01:05 PURE STUPDITY! Guy Warns Fellow Mexicans in the US that Cell Phone RF Antenna is a Secret FBI Tracking Device 0 0 0
00:57 Israel Erects a MASSIVE Electrified "Smart" Fence to Stop Would Be Terrorists and Military Incursions 0 0 0
10:00 REVEALED: Obama Admin HID FBI Info Showing Russia was Planning to Secure Worlds Uranium, MADE DEAL ANYWAY! 0 0 0
02:48 FULL BLOWN LIBTARD: CNN Insinuates President Trump Drinking Diet Coke Is Having Negative Side Effects on His Mental Health 0 1 0
02:38 FLASHBACK 7 DAYS: Fox News Host, Laura Ingram, Called It! Predicted Democrats Pushing Sexual Assault Claims Against Dem's to FORCE Trump Out 0 0 0
02:07 'Felt intimidated' Woman Claims She Was Sexually Harassed Because President Trump Asked for Her Phone Number… That Got Her a Job Interview. 0 3 0
05:28 WTF? Sexual Assault Accuser "Feels Violated" Because Pres. Trump Owned the Miss USA Contest 0 1 0
42:22 Russian Collusion Story Falls Apart, So Democrats Make SECOND ATTEMPT at Claiming Pres Trump Sexually Assaulted Women 0 0 0
05:54 Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor: F-22 Takeoff, F-22 Formation Flight & F-22 Raptor Aerial Refueling 0 0 0