03:11 Former British Labour MP Who Criticized Elon Over The Pakistani Child Rape Scandal Is Busted By Pedo-Hunters Trying To Meet Up With A 15 Year Old Boy 8 0 0
00:13 Bro Riding Like A Bat Out Of Hell On His Horse While Carrying His Dog Learns Not To Speed On Icey Roads 3 4 0
00:58 As If The LA Fires Aren't Apocalyptic Enough, Dozens Of Tractor Trailers Have Been Blown Over On The Highway By Strong Winds 4 2 0
01:33 Why Is The Welch Refugee Council Using 12-Year-Old Girls To Entice Migrant Men To Move There? 1 7 0
02:20 Libyan police stumble upon a massive African migrant invasion center owned by George Soros's NGO 0 0 0
04:34 SUDDEN REALIZATION! CBS News Inadvertently Admits That Criminals Have No Problem Getting Their Hands on Guns, despite Tough Gun Laws 0 0 0
00:48 IDIOT used just a tad bit too much gasoline to get the fire started in nearly burned the house down 1 0 0
00:39 Muslim migrant in Florence, Italy gets his ASS WHOOPED for throwing Rocks at Tourists and Stores 5 0 0
00:30 Left-wing terrorists in Antifa quickly find out it was a BIG MISTAKE trying to attack Trump supporters during their Portland rally 0 1 0
01:06 Albanian immigrant who travelled to Britain illegally is pinned to the ground by paedophile hunters 5 0 0
01:24 Chilling CCTV shows Ryanair passenger wheeling pipe bomb smuggled in suitcase through Manchester Airport 0 0 0
00:37 Hero security guard leaps into swimming pool to rescue toddler trapped upside down in inflatable ring 0 0 0
00:26 ‘Chinese Nessie’ filmed 'emerging from lake' in creepy mobile phone footage as witnesses scream in horror 0 0 0