03:03 The Great And Hilarious Tim Dillon Destroys The Liberals In The Inferno Known As Los Angeles 0 1 0
01:01 Liberal White Woman Says The Looters Stealing From Wildfire Victims Are Justified Because They Are Themselves Victims Of Capitalism 5 29 0
00:30 19-Year-Old Charged With Murder After Hitting And Killing Woman While Fleeing Police In Texas 0 0 0
00:30 Disgusting Woman Spits On Man At Chipotle After He Asked Her To Calm Down While She Was Yelling At The Staff 1 9 0
03:11 Former British Labour MP Who Criticized Elon Over The Pakistani Child Rape Scandal Is Busted By Pedo-Hunters Trying To Meet Up With A 15 Year Old Boy 19 0 0
01:01 Black Activist group created this ad to bash Stacey Dash for saying its time to cancel black history month 0 4 0
10:02 Donald Trump unleashes a series of truth bombs, even says he'll add something worse than waterboarding 0 0 0
00:36 MSNBC Host says the reason Clinton is doing bad with black votersis because she has no soul 1 2 0
01:09 Is this guy serious? GOP Establishment hack Sununu claims "if Trump only WINS by 12 pts, he actually lost" 0 0 0
03:28 Republican Senator John McCain comares the US to ISIS and Japanese Forces in World War II 0 0 0
03:25 Trumpstrodamus? Donald Trump accurately predicted several things were going to happen years before they did 25 6 0
08:48 Mother loses it in a German court after her daughter's Muslim migrant killers are acquitted 2 4 0
02:07 College kids don't know a damn thing about American history, including who won the civil war 1 1 0
00:54 North Korea defies the worlds wishes, launches a long range rocket putting a satellite into orbit 1 3 0
00:34 Clinton surrogate Madeline Albright tell's a crowd "There’s a Special Place in Hell For Women Who Don’t Support Hillary" 0 1 0
01:23 Talking Point overkill! Marco Rubio repeats the same exact line over and over during the debate 0 0 0