Jesus wept! The 'Stinky Slime Express' is about to set sail. John Carpenter's 'Escape from New York' is just a movie....right?.....RIGHT??!
0 points
2 years ago
I actually gagged at the thought....thanks for that! ;)
Screamin Mime
0 points
2 years ago
Yeah, we don't wanna hear some ho rap about her ratchetness while watching this!
B.C Shaughnessy
0 points
2 years ago
Diversity enrichment Train ! USA is the laughing stock of all Nations . How we have fallen . Segregation is needed so badly . Give them Alabama and Georgia , they want it anyway . Then build the wall !
0 points
2 years ago
WTF was the sheboon trying to spell and or say in that song?
0 points
2 years ago
F r e e - 2. S i n g l e (in your dreams) sounds like.
Censored Deleted
0 points
2 years ago
When WW 3 comes . NYC will be vaporized from at least ,
one or two hydrogen fusion bombs .
RIP New Yorker's !
Saint James Matamoros
0 points
2 years ago
A sea of STDs and hair activator
0 points
2 years ago
Methed out ng grs wanting raped. Best boogaloo religion they ever had....
The Negroes so , enrich us all .....
...don't they, though? Ech!
Like a subway ride through hell itself
Jesus wept! The 'Stinky Slime Express' is about to set sail. John Carpenter's 'Escape from New York' is just a movie....right?.....RIGHT??!
I actually gagged at the thought....thanks for that! ;)
Yeah, we don't wanna hear some ho rap about her ratchetness while watching this!
Diversity enrichment Train ! USA is the laughing stock of all Nations . How we have fallen . Segregation is needed so badly . Give them Alabama and Georgia , they want it anyway . Then build the wall !
WTF was the sheboon trying to spell and or say in that song?
When WW 3 comes . NYC will be vaporized from at least ,
one or two hydrogen fusion bombs .
RIP New Yorker's !
A sea of STDs and hair activator
Methed out ng grs wanting raped. Best boogaloo religion they ever had....
Bernard Goetz where are you???
someone get me a barf bag 🤢 nasty looking hoes