'I could see the fire coming at me': This is the moment e-cigarette explodes into fireball engulfing barmaid who amazingly escapes with just a charred dress Laura Baty was serving at Buck Inn Hotel in Richmond, North Yorkshire 18-year-old barmaid heard almighty bang and saw fire coming towards her Says she thought 'the fuse-box had blown up or a firework had gone off' Felt the heat as she ran away from device and 'started crying hysterically' E-cigarette was plugged into an iPad charger on the bar when it blew up This is the dramatic moment an e-cigarette exploded in a barmaid's face and wrecked her dress. Laura Baty, 18, was serving at the Buck Inn Hotel in Richmond, North Yorkshire, when she heard a almighty bang and saw fire coming towards her. Before the teenager had time to think following the explosion on Saturday, she could feel the fire coming at her, adding: 'I felt the heat as I ran away'.