Had the HGV been driven in a professional manner and had not distracted, dazzled, harassed and alarmed the motorist in front, seconds later, the car would have entered lane 1. The driver was due to exit at the next junction. Impatience, road rage...whatever the reason...there can be no mitigation or justification to endanger the life of another. None. What if this car had spun off and hit other cars, killing or injuring others? Is that fair or appropriate? Some viewers will deem the car to be 'lane hogging' - this is not the case. What this video does not provide for the viewer is the intention of the car driver moments prior to being distracted and harassed. Nearly every accident on a motorway, particularly those in speed controlled areas involve a lorry. Why is that? Care needed by all it would seem. HGV drivers reading this, please understand that by bullying your way along the roads creates alarm and distress for other motorists. You may not like the way others drive, but please...be patient. Remember we all want to get home!