After Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens revoked Adam Satterly's bond on drug charges Monday, Satterly shouted out a parting message as deputies took him into custody. "Punk a-- ni--er," Satterly could be heard saying from a hallway just outside the courtroom, according to a video of the hearing. That ended up costing him an additional 60 days in jail as Stevens found Satterly in contempt of court and rebuked him for using the racial slur. Clearly upset with what Satterly said, Stevens ordered sheriff's deputies to bring Satterly back into the courtroom a few minutes after the incident occurred. "Is there something that you wish to say to me?" Stevens asked Satterly. Satterly's attorney, who was present during the bond hearing, had already left the courtroom. Satterly told Stevens he was talking to his brother, not the judge. "No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that," Satterly said, according to the video. "Oh, you didn't mean it like that?" the judge responded tersely, telling Satterly he was holding him in contempt of court. "You don't speak those words in here. And that word particularly, you don't use that word. I'm going to give you 60 days for having used that word. I'm going to hold you in contempt right now for having used it in this courtroom. It's disrespectful; don't ever do it again."