Resembling post-apocalyptic scenes, video footage has emerged showing tents burning through the night after violent protests at The Jungle migrant camp. As fires raged, refugees shouted 'f*** you' and let off fireworks towards police while fighting eviction from the Calais squat. Tear gas and baton charges were used by officers as they tried to restore order. Around 300 migrants refuse to be moved from the camp to a purpose-built shelter because it would force them to be fingerprinted in France and therefore prevent them applying for asylum in Britain. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3411748/The-Jungle-burns-Migrants-torch-Calais-camp-violent-protests-police-evict-hundreds-slum.html#ixzz3z3r1j68L Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook