NPR’s Garcia-Navarro on ‘Kisses’ from the Fidel Brothers: ‘It Was Kind Of Like Getting The Blessing Of The Holy Trinity’ -- National Public Radio (NPR) produced a story on Wednesday about the death last week of 91-year-old Ramon Castro, the older brother of Fidel and Raul Castro, and included the remarks of NPR reporter Lourdes Garcia-Navarro on the occasion of meeting Ramon in Cuba in 2004. “I walk into this lush, beautiful villa, and I am introduced to Ramon Castro,” Garcia-Navarro said. “And it's kind of jarring because even though he was Fidel's older brother, he looks a lot like him. “As he's presented to me, he leans over and gives me a kiss on one cheek and says, this is from Raul, kisses me on the other cheek and says, this is from me, and then he kisses me on the forehead and says, this is from Fidel,” she said. “It was kind of like getting the blessing of the Holy Trinity,” Garcia-Navarro said. NPR noted that the kisses from Ramon revealed his sense of humor, a fact echoed by a farmer who lived in Florida and who was apparently was friends with the elder Castro. “He had a good sense of humor,” John Parke Wright said. “Ramon Castro was fun to be with.”