Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. said he believes President Barack Obama has damaged race relations in the United States and that he looks forward to when “we can finally turn the page on the Obama reign of terror” and heal some of the divisions Obama has created during his presidency. “It’s been a very destructive period of time for the country as a whole and I’ll be glad when we can finally turn the page on the Obama reign of terror, as I call it, and we can go back to start healing some of this divide between the classes, between the races, between the sexes and some of these other demographics,” Clarke told CNS News on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor, Maryland. CNS News asked Clarke about the notion that as the first African American president, Obama would improve race relations in the United States, whether that had happened, and what the next president could do to bring Americans together.
“He never had any intention of bringing people together,” Clarke said. “He had the opportunity to do that.” - “I think a lot of people, including me, were hopeful that he would take the gains that we’ve made – because race relations will never be perfect, alright?” Clarke said. “But we’ve made great strides in bridging that divide, in bridging that gap and he came along and deconstructed the bridge that existed there because that’s part of his shtick , all right, to strike up animosity, you know.” - “He’s the one that was behind the war on women, pitting men against women, the rich against the poor, you know, the 1 percent [and] now the race relations,” Clarke said. “That’s how he has attained political power.” - “That’s the only thing that he knows how to do,” said the sheriff. “It got him to where he’s at today and that’s why he continues on it.”
“It’s been a very destructive period of time for the country as a whole, and I’ll be glad when we can finally turn the page on the Obama reign of terror, as I call it,” said Sheriff Clarke, “and we can go back to start healing some of this divide between the classes, between the races, between the sexes and some of these other demographics.” David A. Clarke Jr., a Democrat, was elected to a 4-year term as the sheriff of Milwaukee County in 2002, and was re-elected in 2006, 2010 and 2014. In those elections he won, respectively, with 74%, 78%, 74%, and 79% of the vote.