Conservative TV personality Glenn Beck had a funny way of defending his main squeeze Ted Cruz on his program Monday morning. He burst out laughing and said, “I have to tell you, it’s been a hard Monday morning. We were all raped by Ted Cruz.”
Beck was referring to himself and his male colleagues.
He went on to talk about Cruz’s “Cuban fire.”
Realizing that starting out the show with a fake rape scene was probably in poor taste, he promised viewers they’d clean themselves up and try to do a show without “all the Latin lovin’.”
But first Beck needs a post-coital smoke. “I need a cigarette,” he cracked. “Talk about lovin’ and leaving ’em.” Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/28/glenn-beck-jokes-ive-been-raped-by-ted-cruz-video/#ixzz44JEDO7Aj