The video has been shared over 1,000 times and the SEPTA police chief says it is outrageous.
The video depicts vulgar language from several very young aggressors while riding on the subway.
“When you watch that video as a parent, as a human being you are alarmed for the well-being of those children,” said SEPTA Police Chief Thomas Nestel.
The video, which was from an incident the evening of March 24, shows what police say are four boys, likely just 6-7-years old, cursing hitting and at one point even spitting at a passenger.
Police say the boys, and an aunt to two of them, got on at 2nd and Market and got off at York and Dauphin.
In the video, you hear the other passengers ask the adult of the group if she’s going to intervene.
As the group hops off the train, the aunt says to the kids, “You’re not allowed to speak that way. Go!”
The alleged victim, Patrick Coyle, posted the video on Facebook and wrote that he started recording after the kids allegedly slapped another woman.