he consent forms that Planned Parenthood uses to convince mothers to turn over their aborted babies’ body parts, organs, and tissue are “inappropriate” and erroneous, according to a witness who testified in favor of the abortion provider.
The consent form was drawn up by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, which has dozens of locations across California and Nevada.
“Research from the blood from pregnant women and the tissue that has been aborted has been used to treat and find a cure for such diseases as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and AIDS,” it reads.
There is no cure for any of the diseases mentioned, a fact not lost on Republican members of the Select Panel on Infant Lives, where the form was discussed during its March 2 hearings inside the Capitol.
“I’ll say, I lost my mother last year with Alzheimer’s,” said Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO, a pro-life stalwart on the committee. “I am not aware that there is a cure out there. This is news to me.”