Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani thinks Donald Trump is the GOP nominee now and it’s time to stop the fighting.
The man affectionately known as “America’s Mayor” appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” show on Monday and said the Cruz and Kasich alliance to stop Trump is not a wise move.
“My thought is that Trump is the nominee. I supported him before. I support him now. I fully endorse him 100% and I urge other Republicans to get behind him,” he told host Sean Hannity. “We may have preferred somebody else but he is going to be the candidate. And now we have to do the best we can to make sure we defeat Hillary Clinton.”
Giuliani said the “backroom deal” between Cruz and Kasich could be devastating for the party.
“The American people on both the Republican side and Democratic side are telling us something. They’re telling us they don’t like these backroom deals anymore. They don’t like these Washington shenanigans. They don’t like these sneaky things are done and people pass bills they don’t read. Trump represents something very fresh and very different for them,” he said. “What Cruz and Kasich just demonstrated is they can’t beat him without making a backroom deal.”