Three young Syrian children living with their refugee families in Idaho spotted a 5-year-old girl playing near their apartments. Grabbing a knife from their home, the boys lead the little girl away to the laundry complex where they used a cellphone to record the stomach-churning events that have shocked the U.S. and prompted mass outrage over the influx of Syrian refugees.
Proving a dangerous bias, the media have remained eerily silent on the horrific events that occurred on June 2. In a shameless bid to protect their leftist agenda, news outlets have given only vague details of the disturbing case, however, an outraged neighbor has come forward with the full story that is sure to put a damper on the federal refugee resettlement program.
KMVT reported on June 7 that a sexual assault occurred near the Fawnbrook Apartment complex in Twin Falls, Idaho. Only stating that no charges have been filed, according to prosecutor Grant Loebs, the station concludes that allegations are swirling on social media from an eye witness. Although they’ve done well not to give any hint of who the perpetrators are, why they’re being investigated, or who the victim is, a neighbor has broken the silence out of pure indignance over the authorities’ handling of the case.
Two weeks after the incident, a 5-year-old girl, who is underdeveloped due to being born prematurely, was playing in between apartment units just feet away from her family when three neighbor boys put a knife to her throat and forced her into the laundry unit. The boys are ages 13, 10, and 8, and are Syrian refugee children from 2 families resettled in the apartments. What happened next is too sickening for mere words.
The neighbor states that the Syrian boys stripped the girl naked, raped her, and urinated on her body and in her mouth. Although the two younger boys were unable to perform sexually due to their ages, the 13 “coached” the pair while he videoed the sexual assault after his own participation.