A video of buckets of water falling on a seven-month-old girl has cost the girl’s babysitter her job. The video, which took place at a park in Greenwood, Ind., appeared on Facebook last month. It features the little girl sitting while water continued to pour over her head. The baby’s mother, Brittany Dixson, told WISH she fired the babysitter after seeing the video, which quickly went viral: It’s terrifying to think that somebody could do something to your daughter, somebody you trust to watch your daughter at any moment of time.” The babysitter tried to defend herself, but to no avail. “She was basically apologizing to me the whole time telling me how she’s so sorry, she really didn’t know that was the bucket that had the most water in it that dumped on her,” Dixson said. The water could’ve had a lasting impact on the little girl, too. Dixson took her to the emergency room where, Dixson reports, doctors told her, “She could have inhaled so much water once she went to sleep that night she could have actually drowned in her sleep because the water would have been trapped in her lungs,” which was actually not the case.