We all know that kids can be cruel but this brutal school fight shows a horrible level of aggression and violence amongst kids who look no older than 13. The fight was so ferocious that after it was posted online, police started an investigation. The location of the school is in the West Midlands. It appears that the video was actually taken by a mother of one of the children involved in the fight. How awful it must have been for a mother to watch her son in a brawl?It is unclear which child belonged to the mother that filmed this. Initially the video was posted on Facebook with the caption “So this is what my son had to go through…”.The clip shows not only the brutality of the kids involved but also the sheer volume. It seems like there were over 10 boys involved in the fight, which initially started between two of the kids. It looks like a large group arrived and all started attacking one of the first boys involved. The fight was broken up when a guy, who seemed to not be in any school uniform, stopped the group from attacking and beating up one of the kids.The mother that recorded the incident has since been into the school twice to discuss it. West Midlands Police have come out with a statement saying: “We received a report about an assault today, a complaint from a mother. We are going to takes statements in due course and will speak to the school”.