Even after witnessing the massacre of police in Dallas, the fires set across cities earlier this year and the massive racial divide they have created by Black Lives Matter in America, the white-guilt brigade of Toronto decided now would be the perfect time to give the group the William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations.
Remember, just one week ago, BLM bum-rushed Toronto’s gay pride parade, just weeks after the Orlando shooting. A day that should have been for the LGBT community to freely express themselves was hijacked by the same group that is being awarded an honor set aside for bringing people together.
A report to council this week announcing the award says Black Lives Matter "have created, articulated, and enacted a new vision of responding to inequities experienced by Black people of African and Caribbean origin in Toronto. They have called on Torontonians to take up their responsibility to speak out and to ensure equity in our city. By acting so bravely to communicate that message so strongly, Black Lives Matter-Toronto have increased social efficacy and social capital in our city thereby strengthening our democracy, improving our population’s health, and saving lives in our city."
The city is run by Mayor John Tory, who, before being elected for the job, was the Leader of the Ontario PC Party. He is shown here defending himself last week after being blasted by BLM after defending their takeover of the Gay Pride parade.
SO this is what surrender in Canada looks like.