Even after witnessing the massacre of police in Dallas, the fires set across cities earlier this year and the massive racial divide they have created by Black Lives Matter in America, the white-guilt brigade of Toronto decided now would be the perfect time to give the group the William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations.
Remember, just one week ago, BLM bum-rushed Toronto’s gay pride parade, just weeks after the Orlando shooting. A day that should have been for the LGBT community to freely express themselves was hijacked by the same group that is being awarded an honor set aside for bringing people together.
A report to council this week announcing the award says Black Lives Matter "have created, articulated, and enacted a new vision of responding to inequities experienced by Black people of African and Caribbean origin in Toronto. They have called on Torontonians to take up their responsibility to speak out and to ensure equity in our city. By acting so bravely to communicate that message so strongly, Black Lives Matter-Toronto have increased social efficacy and social capital in our city thereby strengthening our democracy, improving our population’s health, and saving lives in our city."
The city is run by Mayor John Tory, who, before being elected for the job, was the Leader of the Ontario PC Party. He is shown here defending himself last week after being blasted by BLM after defending their takeover of the Gay Pride parade.
SO this is what surrender in Canada looks like.
Nude Dude used the kid as a human shield.
Yes, it looked as though it would be much more comfortable in it's native habitat.
We have this same drill on our tactical competition course of fire.
Essentially we position two human silhouettes, one in front of the other. The white target is the victim, the brown target is the criminal.
Usually the target set is static, but I made up swinger where the targets are moving in tandem left and right. It's a tough shot at 20 yards....but this cop was only about 10 yards.
Its still a tough shot, but less tough if you practice it regularly.
More cops with itchy trigger fingers. They need more training. Hopefully the kid died instantly. At least it was spared growing up in that hell.
That cop delayed in shooting the guy before he got to the kid.
the officer fired one shot that killed both the child and the suspect. would you really take a shot like that??? know he is using the child as a shield?????
That cop sucks
Guy had a knife at the child's throat.
That kid was never gonna make it out alive.
Aye: he'd be damned if he did, and damned if he didn't! :(
"would you really take a shot like that???"
Depends. Do I have qualified immunity that removes accountability or am I like everyone else with no special rights and likely getting prison time if I phuck up? Protect & Serve with hot lead
Twofer, What? too soon?
Guy just saved that womans, every womans in that building and every person that little nigget would have burdened over its 24 year lifespan 👍🏻🏆
Cheaper in the long run. Microchimp and it's monkey pap taken out with one bullet opposed to decades of welfare and crime.
It was actually one of you stinking LandKKKrabs, ESAD!!!!!!!!!!!
dead ni66a = deep joy
Hung your grandad over an open flame... made the neighborhood smell like feces.
Hate-crime, sending a link to the CIA......have fun with a very widened-out shitfanny!
And that is the reason browns and blacks are taking over ur country....cheerio....
Really? All white men have to do is stay home and not pay a single bill or any tax and it all collapses. We TOLERATE you filthy hounds.
Then stop ur bitching and do that then....if not shut yo yuckmouth foppish ass the fuck up...before i get a nigerian to stab u up....
1 in 3 Nigerians live in publicly funded housing here. What is it with monkeys riding on White people's backs? Get jobs? Have some pride?
So the fuck what cracka? U britfags destroyed their country, and now they are going where the resources are....this is the end result of caucasoid fuckery...u werent bitching when crackas were in nigeria living off the welfare of their labor....so shit the fuck up u goofy britfag
Nigeria?? LOLOLOL !!!! Welfare system in Nigeria... crackas living off of nigerian welfare??? Talk about shutting the fuck up goofy boondyazz monkey. LOL back to the shoeshine box BOY that was straight up fkn retarded.
Lol...using white privilege to ignore ur history....
i bet you havent shower in weeks filthy Baboon
False choice.
STF Microchimp
Why do you upvote your own idiotic comments, shitskin?
Because this is america and im free to do that...
'Microchimp' LOL!
He missed. No one's perfect. I imagine he aimed for the suspect's head. But instead, got the neck through the child's head.
No one's perfect. And cops have a difficult job many of us refuse to do. However, that authority and power over civilians go to some of their heads making them all look suspiciously guilty.
The FPA will solve these problems. The Federal Police Agency replaces all police departments incl city, county, and sheriff as well as a few alphabets. There will be no more local privilege, no more bigotry, no more partiality. But first things first... World War with China.
MARGINAL NOTE: Neither do I support the FPA nor any wealthy family and their dangerous delusions.
shoot through the baby to kill a scumbag, what a fken assole.
Another illegal alien who crossed the southern wide open border. You can thank the border czar Harris for this killing.
Until you have been a peace officer, you have no right to comment. This will haunt the officer till the day he dies. From now on, it will cause (possibly terminal) hesitation in his actions as he goes through the OODA loop (look it up). Wrong decision - yes. But it was his to make and live with. That's what all peace officers have to go through - split second decisions that have ramifications over the rest of many people's lives. Not an easy job to be sure. Not for those that are out to be heroes or make names for themselves.
What have you done today...?
(Rhetorical question as I'm not really interested. I've said my peace.)
Now I'll say mine. Pig had the mandate of protecting and failed horribly. That officer brought no peace. How phucking cavalier of you to say his mistake to make and live with. The operative word being "live." Do not hear you calling for his dismissal as he will obviously be a foreseeable danger as he goes through what you call OODA. And we sure as phuck can comment as we the people are the ones that truly suffer for irresponsible/deadly actions by police. Now the public will pay for his lifetime 3/4 disability pay.
One less Kamala Harris voter.
That cop will have a booze problem 4 eva .
And the wife beatings will get worse.
damn poor little kid RIP
13% of the population, 98% of the crimes.. https://khqa.com/news/local/extensive-criminal-history-uncovered-following-fatal-macomb-shooting
one criminal and one future criminal.
No. It causes deaths too. Saw one where a fat cop didn't want to get out and run, so used his SUV to run down and kill a misdemeanor suspect. Can't run to catch anyone, or save someone. It's disgusting. At least 60% are obese and need to go.