THE NSW candidate for Australian Liberty Alliance spoke to a packed room at the services club last Saturday and promised to be a voice for locals who feel they have not been listened too regarding the intake of refugees.
Glen Innes Severn Council Mayor Colin Price spoke out earlier this year about council’s decision to make Glen Innes a refugee welcome zone, a decision that has upset many in the town.
Kirralie Smith will run for a seat in the senate at this year’s election with a view to influencing policy outcomes from what she calls ‘out of touch’ major party politicians.
Speaking at the invitation only meeting Mrs Smith said politics was suffering from the insatiable beast called political correctness.
“So many people feel powerless to do anything about it and I will stand for those people who are sick of it winning every argument, the truth is multi culturalism is a failure and we need to reassess our immigration policies and our association with the United Nations,” she said.
“For many years we have proven that we are an open, tolerant, welcoming country and we have demonstrated how multi ethnic integration works, but what doesn’t work is encouraging multicultural practices where communities form enclaves and where criticism of other ideas are censored.
“I have been informed that many locals feel they have not been listened to regarding a possible intake of refugees into Glen Innes, political correctness has won out again and I will be a voice for those who feel they are not being listened to in regards to this issue.”
Glen Elgin resident James Gresham said that the ALA is rapidly growing into a seriously viable alternative and, Mrs Smith will be a force to contend with at the coming election.
“She simply said it like it is, and that resonated with locals who are tired of being manipulated and told what to think and say,” he said.
Local real estate agent Frank Parry said Mrs Smith was right on the money with her point on refugees and that she spoke to the issue for the entire country.
“I think political correctness has gone mad, the way that people are carrying on is ridiculous, no one listens to the alternate point of view in regards to this issue,” he said.
However, Refugees welcome in Glen Innes support group Chair Nicci Parry-Jones said that all of their meetings are open to the public and all opinions are welcomed.
“We certainly did hear opposing opinions to ours at our meetings, they are all open to the public forums,” she said.
Mrs Smith went on to say that Australia must get a more comprehensive system of vetting potential new Australians so that it can weed out and expose Islamist attitudes and desires to impose Sharia practices in Australia.
“We can compassionately help refugees by resettling them in countries close to where they are from and by taking in only persecuted minority groups,” she said.
“I am determined to make sure that we are all able to criticize and debate ideas that divide us and are in opposition to the Australia we know and love.”