Donald Trump may have driven an even larger wedge between military veterans and his presidential campaign on Tuesday with an offhand comment in the midst of an otherwise touching moment with a military veteran.
While telling the story of a lieutenant colonel who presented him with his Purple Heart medal as a vote of confidence, Trump quipped: 'I always wanted to get the purple heart. This was much easier.'
The Purple Heart is awarded to servicemen and women who are wounded in combat, and to surviving family members of those who are killed in action. Wanting one is akin to a death wish – or close to it.
Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman came on stage and posed with Trump for photos before telling him that he didn't want to speak to the crowd.
So I said, "Lieutenant colonel, would you like to say something?"' Trump told his audience in an Ashburn, Virginia high school auditorium.
'He goes, "No sir. I'd like you to just keep saying what you're saying." Amazing. it's amazing. what an honor.'
The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment. Dorfman laughed at Trump's joke.