As public concern grows over how meat production affects our environment, a new food revolution is underway. More and more plant-based meat alternatives are entering the market, and one of them is made by New Wave Foods. New Wave has been working on a shrimp substitute that's made entirely from plant and algae products. The company was founded by two scientists, Dominique Barnes and Michelle Wolf, who wanted to come up with a more sustainable alternative to shrimp farming. Shrimp farms across Asia often destroy mangrove forests and wetland ecosystems - a high price to pay for the number one eaten seafood in the U.S. The average American consumes 4 pounds of shrimp per year - adding to a total of 1.3 billion pounds consumed annually. New Wave's plant-based shrimp looks a lot like the real thing, and even has the texture and taste of shrimp, with similar fat and protein content, but no cholesterol.