German Vice Chancellor and Leader of the Social Democratic Party Sigmar Gabriel lost his temper on Friday when a group of young Nationalists approached him during a presentation in Salzgitter, calling him and his party members "Communists", "Cultural Marxists" and "Traitors of the People". He made a rude finger gesture, presumably because the protesters alluded to his father's past. Gabriel's Father, Walter Gabriel, remained a staunch Nationalist up until his death in 2012, criticizing his own son for being hopelessly indoctrinated and his socialist party as harmful to Germany.
The party has dropped sharply in polls across the country ever since Gabriel called to hunt down and lock up anybody protesting uncontrolled mass immigration. He refers to nationalists as "lowlife scum, unworthy of being called German" and implied that any refugee is more German than a nationalist could ever be.
He frequently refers to Europe as the "United States of Europe", supports TTIP and CETA, wants a EU-Army, considers Germany a country of immigration, openly called for abolishing national borders, advertised for giving anybody dual citizenship and wastes no opportunity to express his contempt for his home country.
Gabriel is known for his anti-German sentiment. Pictures emerged of him participating in protests where banners like "Dear Foreigners: Please don't leave us alone with the GermanS" with the S in the shape of to the SS logo, equating Germans with Nazis.