The Netherlands, 23 August 2016. The number of children growing up in families that are living on welfare had grown with 1,3% last year. The increase is due to the reception of asylum seekers from Syria. The number of children stands on 226.000. Due to reception of refugees the number of non western welfare children had increased by 8300. 7000 of them are Syrians. The number of native Dutch children is in decline. The video contain statistics on the ethnicity of the various groups. Most of the welfare children are living in Rotterdam. The big number of children has also to do with more children in non western families. Apart from Rotterdam the number of welfare children in Heerlen and Amsterdam is high (14%).
This video shows also in what condition poor Dutch children are living and emphases the irresponsible behaviour the Dutch government shows on that matter. Receiving tens thousands of so called phoney refugees and asylum seekers is above imagination. Especially when a government has to count every Euro that is left on the bottom of the treasury. A responsible government has to look first after the interests of it’s own citizens.