THE German chancellor's controversial open-door migrant policy has been dealt another catastrophic blow after it emerged only 1 in every 10,000 migrants who arrived since last year has a job.
Astonishing statistics revealed that only 1 in every 10,000 refugees who arrived during the massive migrant influx last year are now employed.
German firms have defended themselves after Angela Merkel blamed them for not hiring enough refugees.
The German leader unleashed a scathing criticism of local businesses – but company leaders claim refugees "are just not ready" for the job market.
German companies have hired less than 100 refugees despite the arrival of more than a million into the country last year.
Mrs Merkel is currently fighting for her political career after her open-door policy provoked a humiliating political backlash in regional elections two weeks ago.
She summoned the bosses of Germany's biggest companies to Berlin to explain their lack of action as she tried to deflect blame onto them.