Sheriff David Clark joined Neil Cavuto on Fox News to highlight the irresponsible reporting and politically-charged decision making during the rioting that took place in Charlotte NC after a suspect was shot during an altercation with police.
"What was on display last night was something you see in a third world nation, like Haiti. It didn't represent the good city of Charlotte, North Carolina, here in the United States. You saw primitive behavior on display -- at best, primitive behavior, and at worst you saw subhuman behavior as people just reacted to circumstances. Rioting, looting, is not a socially acceptable response to people's frustration or what they may not know."
Clarke went on to discuss behavior that resembled "the mentality of a tree stump": rocks and bottles being thrown, officers under attack, and more. He complained that under these violent circumstances, the Charlotte police commanders were not allowing their officers to "use all reasonable force to defend themselves and protect life and property. Not minimal force, not de-escalation -- all reasonable force."