The incident occurred in the Northwest Turkish province of Sakarya. The car owner found his car smashed, the vehicle was missing the front bumper. Reported by the Daily Sabah.
The man parked his car near the shop, and in the morning found it destroyed. Thanks to the surveillance cameras failed to establish that the vehicle caused damage to a pack of stray dogs. On shots it is visible that a white car suits one animal and begins to sniff around. Soon the dog joins five other individuals. Animals clearly got something, and then began to smash the vehicle. The incident of the dog destroyed the front bumper, ripped out the fog lights and chew through the cables. The owner claims that the amount of loss is five thousand Turkish liras (more than 1.6 thousand dollars).
I’m not exactly sure what made this particular car in Turkey so delicious to this pack of feral dogs, but holy crap do they go to town on it. The pack of dogs manages to pull off the whole front bumper cover, along with some of the lights and other trim. Does the owner wax this thing with a chunk of ham?
The car belongs to a mechanic with the very mechanic-appropriate name of Cem Acar. The car was parked in the Mamara province of Sakarya when the dog-mauling happened, which is an industrial area.