Turns out, Colin Kaepernick is a less than mediocre quarterback and en even worse social justice warrior.
After the millionaire pro football player, who was raised in an upscale neighborhood by white parents, spent this season disrespecting the national anthem because, as he puts it, it stands for racism, Colin couldn't even find the time to vote.
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith was not happy at all, becoming unhinged, saying:
“As far as I’m concerned, Colin Kaepernick is absolutely irrelevant. I don’t want to see him again, I don’t want hear from him again, I don’t want to hear a [darn] word about anything he has to say about our nation … He comes across as a flaming hypocrite. …
“After all this noise that you made, even though you didn’t intended to do so, by offending our military service men and women, and pointing out about how you wanted to bring attention to racial injustices and beyond in this country, to turn around and not even take your behind to the polls to vote for a particular candidate, it is shameful! Absolutely shameful!”