The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Ryan Lenz made a wild claim on CNN Monday morning, that Donald Trump’s popular “drain the swamp” phrase, which refers to removing corruption and “pay-for-play” politics from the federal government, is racist.
“Drain the swam was a meme, a Twitter hashtag that grew, exploded, really, after Donald Trump came forward with allegations it was a rigged election,” Lenz told “At This Hour” host John Berman. “It was spread specifically — or among the people that were spreading the drain the swamp hashtag were avowed racists, white supremacists who exist on Twitter to harass and demean various ethnic groups.”
“So we have a little bit of a two-sided message here,” Lenz added, oblivious to the audacity of the point he was trying to make. “Yeah, he’s saying stop it, but he’s also, you know, giving a wink-wink, nod-nod to the very people he’s asking to step away from their violence.”