Throughout the 2016 election, many in the mainstream media had been pushing the use of the term "alt-right" "to describe anyone they think is extreme, or too conservative," Sean Hannity said Tuesday.
Hannity sparked a debate on Twitter with BuzzFeed reporter Rosie Gray, who has reported on the "alt-right" movement, asking her whether she would begin to use the term "alt-left" to describe the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movements.
He also asked why President Obama would invite leaders of the latter group to the White House after members chanted their wishes for death of police officers.
Hannity continued his debate with Gray on Hannity:
"The alt-right is not some sort of attempt by the so-called liberal media to smear conservatives," Gray said, "they are not actually a conservative group."
Gray said she was pleased that President-elect Donald Trump disavowed the movement, but said she wished he had been quicker to disavow other controversial figures, like former KKK leader David Duke.
Regarding their debate on Black Lives Matter leaders meeting with Obama, Gray said she didn't think the people featured in the anti-police marches were the ones that met with the commander-in-chief.
Hannity declared that he condemns anybody who does a Nazi salute or expresses racist or anti-Semitic views and they have "zero place in the conservative movement."
What do you think? Watch the full debate above and let us know what you think in the comments.