The liberal media threw a proverbial hissy fit Monday in response to President-Elect Donald Trump’s dubious claim that millions of votes were cast illegally. While seeming pretend that Trump would be the first president ever to tell a lie, NPR’s Bob Garfield went on a long winded tirade, on MSNBC’s All In, railing against the “Right wing media.” “The people who get it and we at the mainstream media, you know, get the straight dope but about half the electorate is getting their information from other sources, none credible,” he whined. The ranting Garfield blamed the success of “right wing media” on what he called “330 million individual echo chambers,” which he claimed helped to insulate people from news they don’t want to hear. He didn’t seem to realize that his belief works both ways, especially when it’s evident that left does not want to consider another perspective on nearly everything.
“And the convergence of the socially mediated world and an unprecedentedly dishonest president have put us in this crazy nightmare inside of an outrage inside of an apocalypse. It’s nuts,” he exclaimed. That might be a step up for Trump, who Garfield once called, “A raving meth head with a machete.” A statement which proves Garfield is anything but objective. Garfield continued his rambling rant by hitting all the stereotypical tropes the left flings at conservatives as he claimed they have been “brainwashed” to believe lies: And right now we have about half the population who is -- who have been conditioned, conditioned, one might even say brainwashed by close to 50 years of right-wing media, which has characterized, demonized mainstream media and characterized it as unpatriotic and un-American and has talked about grossly misogynistic way and in grossly racist terms, in Islamicophobic and xenophobic terms and has allowed about half of our population to bathe in a sort humiliation.
“The humiliation that I think is strikingly parallel to the humiliation of the German people after World War I and the treaty of Versailles,” he argued, basically smearing the right as the pre-World War II Germany that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power. Such an original leftist attack. The NPR host continued his prattling by listing off what he claimed “humiliated” the right, including “civil rights” passing and the “Miranda warning.” Garfield accusation perpetuates the liberal media lie that conservatives tried to block Civil Rights laws, when in fact it was Democrats. His belief that conservatives what people to be ignorant of their rights shows that he probably doesn’t socialize with them very often.
All In host Chris Hayes was quick to jump into the comparison of conservatives to Nazis, telling Garfield, “I tend to stay away from Weimar comparisons for a variety reasons, though I will say that one of the most striking and upsetting moments in the entire campaign was a man shouting “lugenpresse,” which is the Nazi German term for the lying press.”