NBC “Late Night” host Seth Meyers said on his show Wednesday that the media should stop saying “alt-right.”
Meyers called specific attention to a Dec. 2 CNN article and titled “Hipster or hatemonger? The trendy young face of Austria’s far-right,” one of several articles about the so-called “alt-right” since the election of Donald Trump.
Meyers then took the media to task, asking, “How do you confuse hipsters with Nazis?”
“Nazis like to invade other people’s territory and turn it into a utopia for the white race, whereas hipsters—” Meyers paused, suggesting the two might have actually be similar after all. “But still!” Meyers continued.
“If it looks like a duck and talks like a duck and steps like a goose, it’s a Nazi!” the “Late Night” host added.
Meyers said if America has ever done anything all of its citizens can be proud of it was defeating the Nazis during World War II, concluding that calling Nazis and white supremacists the alt-right is “like calling O.J. Simpson a cutlery enthusiast.”