Dozens of sanctuary city mayors penned a lengthy letter to President Obama, urging him to take last-minute steps to extend federal protections for illegal immigrants before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, Abby Huntsman reported.
The letter presses Obama to "undertake steps" to support 740,000 people currently in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) statute, and to protect illegal immigrants who have come from "unsafe" countries from being sent back, according to the New York Observer.
Signees of the letter include Mayors Bill de Blasio (D-New York), Eric Garcetti (D-Los Angeles), Rahm Emanuel (D-Chicago), James Kenney (D-Philadelphia), Pam Hemminger (Chapel Hill, N.C.), Ed Pawlowski (D-Allentown, Pa.), Stephanie Miner (D-Syracuse, N.Y.) and Ike Leggett, the county executive of a Washington, D.C. suburb.