Jesse Watters, who gained notoriety for his confrontational interview style during his long stint on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News, managed to turn that talent into his own new weekend show on the same channel called Watters World.
This weekend he set his sights on a man who found himself at the center of a major media firestorm just before Christmas when video went viral showing a man screaming at soon-to-be First-Daughter Ivanka Trump who was on board a JetBlue aircraft at JFK with her children. The man seen shouting in the video was soon identified as Brooklyn lawyer Dan Goldstein.
Subsequent reporting turned up evidence that Goldstein may have planned the confrontation at least an hour in advance after a (subsequently deleted) tweet by Goldstein’s husband, Hunter College professor Matthew Lasner, said, “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banality of evil.”