Horror footage shows a 'possessed' girl kicking and screaming as locals ' exorcise a demon from her body.'
The 11-year-old comes in an out of consciousness as a number of adults grab at her and scream "God almighty" while 'trying to rid her of the spirt.'
The young girl's mum is convinced her daughter is possessed and has been pleading with the authorities to intervene.
Audrey Smith said least seven students at a school in Port Elizabeth, Jamaica, began fitting and kicking out on the floor earlier this month.
She said when a teacher at Ginger Hill All Age school asked one of boys what happened, he told her he'd felt someone 'grabbing at his neck.'
ocals believe the children have been possessed by demons that were released after some graves were recently disturbed for extension works.
The 47-year-old told Jamaican newspaper The Star : “I know that it is demon in my child because I go to church and I plea for demons out of people. I am not a fool."
She said the attacks started earlier this month with her daughter and some other students fainting several times while at school.
Smith said a teacher asked her to accompany her daughter to school because of the unusual episodes.
She added that when a teacher questioned one of the allegedly possessed children, he said he felt someone holding his neck.
The worried mother said she will continue praying for her daughter and others affected and hoped the school would sort it quickly as they had a Grade Six Achievement Test in just over a month.
The video was posted on YouTube this week, with the caption: "Look what's happening to the students from Ginger Hill all age school in St Elizabeth."