MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough confronted Rev. Al Sharpton about his opposition to President Trump’s nomination of Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary Wednesday morning on Morning Joe.
Sharpton told the panel that he opposed DeVos’ nomination because of her views regarding the public education system in America.
“DeVos has been a champion of actually giving disadvantaged children the same opportunities and choice in education, has she not, [as] the wealthiest?” Scarborough asked Sharpton. “It’s about charter schools and vouchers and the sort of things that go on in Harlem.”
Sharpton responded by saying, “She’s been in support of giving a select few of the disadvantaged. You cannot have charter schools and vouchers for everyone. To put her over public schools when you are talking about giving a sliver of disadvantaged kids a voucher … What are you going to do with the other 95 percent that didn’t get a voucher?”
“There’s just a sliver because you can look in New York City and look in Harlem, the people that are fighting to keep it a sliver are the liberals. Who tighten the acceptance into these schools so much that they have to have a lottery,” Scarborough said.