Avelica-Gonzalez is originally from Nayarit, Mexico. He's 48 years old, works as a food preparer at a Mexican restaurant and has lived in this country for more than half his life. His four daughters are Americans. Jocelyn, his 19-year-old daughter, describes her father as a hardworking man. "He always wanted the best for his family. He would do anything for his family," she said.
He also has a nearly decade-old DUI conviction, and "apparently a conviction from over 20 years ago related to having bought a car that he did not realize had a registration sticker on it that did not belong on the car," according to MacLean.
"Those are his criminal convictions in over 25 years in this country. And ICE is saying this is why he's a 'bad' immigrant and should be deported," MacLean explained. "Basically what ICE has told officials is that this man has prior convictions, as a way of essentially throwing him under the bus."