The spectre of the gender wars has been invoked in Senate estimates this morning after a line of questioning by new Labor senator Katy Gallagher resulted in a spat between her and government minister Mitch Fifield in which she accused him of “mansplaining”.
Senator Gallagher was asking about the status of social security legislation the day after Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister and whether there was any change to the introduction of bills, with Senator Fifield explaining that these were matters for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The argument went on, with Senator Gallagher rephrasing the question a number of times.
“Thanks for the mansplaining,” she said toward the end of the first session of Community Affairs estimates.
“Imagine if I said you were womansplaining,” Senator Fifield said, before adding she was being “sexist”.
Senator Gallagher said his answers had been “patronising and condescending”.
“I thought we were having a good-hearted exchange, I just find it extraordinary that you or any senator at this table would seek to invoke gender in impugning how a senator is responding,” Senator Fifield said.