Former CIA Agent Phil Mudd openly called for violence against Trey Gowdy after Tuesday’s House Intelligence Committee Hearing with former CIA Director John Brennan.
During the hearing, Chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) repeatedly questioned Brennan on “collusion.” Brennan refused to fall into Gowdy’s trap, however, and refused to rule out possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia because multiple investigations are still collecting evidence
“Trey Gowdy should have his ass kicked. He knows the difference,” Mudd said of Gowdy trying to use the words interchangeably. “If you are an American citizen and CIA is collecting intercepts of Russians of what you said, is it fair to go to court and say that is evidence of something you did wrong?”
Mudd noted that it would take more than a year to investigate “because the American citizens have a right to have evidence presented in a court beyond a conversation of Russian official reports.”
He explained that the distinction is clear legally.
“It is a hard line. It is frustrating for the American people. I hope they don’t want evidence perceived as something a Russian official says. I don’t want to be convicted on that,” Mudd said.