I think these kids just broke the world record for cat jump roping. I made a joke, here come the hate comments. I mean this is some high school Immature bullshit. Yeah, it’s nasty but in the kid’s defense… The animal was already dead. Now the internet is pissed off!
I mean this is some high school Immature bullshit. Yeah, it’s nasty but in the kid’s defense… The animal was already dead. Now the internet is pissed off!
The girl posted the videos on Facebook with the status:
Is this what animals are dissected for !? Winston Churchill High School obviously has no respect for the animals being killed “for educational purposes.” This just goes to show how unnecessary dissections with animals are, the same process could easily be taught online. It’s bad enough animals are being killed for this, but using their organs as toys is unethical. Please don’t let Churchill students and faculty continue to believe this is acceptable.
And of course, other people started piling on in the comments: This is disgusting and I would have left the class, no matter what the teacher said (if they were even in the room at this point). I am okay with respectful dissection, but this is unacceptable.