This is how the fake news is made, continued… On Sunday, the Twitter account @HipHopsRevival posted a video (since deleted) alleging that law enforcement authorities tore a young boy away from his mother over a violation of “immigration laws.” As you can see, before it was deleted it was shared thousands of times... The officers in the video have since been identified as NYC Parks Enforcement officers, via former NYPD officer John Cardillo: "Hey HipHopsRevival, if you're going to lie, do better. Those are NYC Parks Enforcement officers. They don't enforce immigration laws." -- Whoops. We questioned the authenticity of the video immediately: Greg Pollowitz: "when was this video taken?"
But thousands did not, including the blue check-mark brigade. Here’s just a sample of the outrage caused by the Fake News: Alyssa Milano: "What can we do about this, @aclu???? This made my heart ache. Must. Do. Better" -- Sarah Silverman: "This is America. @gop @potus @MikePenceVP ARE YOU PROUD? Shame on y'all. Y'all make me sick. SO WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP CHANGE THIS MADNESS??" -- Nicolle Wallace: "I feel horror" -- Michael Skolnik: "This is a stain upon our country. A ripping of our nation’s heart. An attack upon our humanity. #IStandWithImmigrants" -- sarahdessen: "Oh, my God." -- Maggie Gyllenhaal: "Oh my god. This is sick. So broken. What can I do??" ---- Do better, guys.