This shocking footage shows the moment four teenagers risk their lives, and the lives of motorists and their passengers, by running across SIX lanes of a busy motorway.
A top police chief has slammed the boys’ irresponsible actions after they diced with death on the M60 near Manchester.
He also urged parents and schools to “bang it home” to youngsters that motorways are dangerous places and it is actually illegal to walk on them unless there is a genuine emergency, the Manchester Evening News reported .
The video covers a section of the M60 between junction 21 for Chadderton and junction 22 for Oldham, and was taken just after the evening rush-hour.
It shows the teenagers running across three lanes of the clockwise carriageway to reach the central reservation before they continue to sprint across the three anti-clockwise lanes on the opposite side.
Before these images were taken, a larger group of youths was spotted running up and down the steep grass motorway embankment and climbing over a metal safety barrier to stand on the hard shoulder.
Inspector Neil Anson, from the north west motorway police group, said it was a finable offence for pedestrians to walk on a motorway carriageway or slip road unless there’s an emergency.