A group of teens viciously beat a pregnant woman at a Long Island High School graduation, according to witnesses and a shocking video posted on social media.
Cell phone video of the horrifying attack was taken by a student at the Sunday graduation for the 2017 class of William Floyd High School in Brookhaven, L.I. In the video, at least three people are seen repeatedly punching and kicking a young woman while she lies prone on the ground and covers her face. At one point, another young woman runs up and punches her.
When the victim, whom FiOS1 News identified as Bianca Bouchard, finally gets up, blood is streaming from her face, and her clothing is torn and ruined, the video reveals. The 21-year-old woman tries to get to the safety of an SUV as her attackers continue to come after her. School security personnel converge and break up the brawl. Bouchard told FiOS1 News she is 15 weeks pregnant, and that she got caught in a family melee while defending her sister. She said the bad feelings had been festering on Facebook for months.
“You can see on the video a girl in a blue dress runs up and kicks me in the head with her heel and that’s what caused all the bleeding,” Bouchard told FiOS1 News. “In the back of my head there’s a scar.”
None of the blows hit her stomach — just her head, she said. School officials condemned the incident and said they would press charges.
Suffolk County police were investigating the attack. No arrests had been made.