Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Democrats were lying about the Republican health care bill.
Gingrich said, “After all the news media talking about cutting Medicaid in the House Republican bill, I did some research. It actually goes up 20 percent over the next 10 years. Now, think about that. All of this talk about cut, cut, cut. No. No. It’s a 20 percent increase over the next ten years. So half the Republican problem, or more than half, is the communications problem. They’re actually putting 20 percent more into Medicaid over the next decade. That’s a serious effort in the right direction.”
Reacting to several Democrats claiming people will die if this bill passes, Gingrich continued, “I think the Democrats’ capacity for total irresponsibility and totally dishonesty is almost unbounded.”
He added, “This notion that the Republicans want to kill people, it’s really—it’s almost pathetic that the Democratic party has no new ideas, no new solutions, takes no responsibility for the disaster that they passed with Obamacare. All they have left are absurd, wild charges that no serious adult—no serious American—is going to actually look at and say, ‘Oh yeah that’s a real problem.’ It’s a lie.”