Chris Hayes: “Senator, I want to ask you about some news recently about you retaining counsel in an investigation that has been ongoing. An FBI investigation of now the defunct college that your wife was president of, Burlington College. There’s some serious allegations you have counsel obviously and I know that you have said this is politically motivated, but I do want to ask you, on the record, face to face–the most serious allegation is that you improperly used your office to help secure financing for loans for Burlington College, and I want to ask you on the record if that’s true.”
Bernie Sanders was visibly uncomfortable with this question and immediately blamed the Republicans and Donald Trump.
“Do you know where that allegation came from? That allegation came from the vice chairman of the Vermont Republican party and Donald Trump’s Vermont campaign state director. That is an absolute lie. But you know, that’s what you expect from the Trump administration and people associated with Donald Trump,” Sanders continued.