So Brian Stelter wants to know if President Trump’s tweet, which contained a video of him body-slamming CNN WWE-style, violated one of Twitter’s policies. -- Brian Stelter: “Does Trump's anti-CNN tweet violate Twitter's terms? This is the "hateful conduct" policy.” -- The problem for Stelter is that hardly anyone has an appetite to hear his nonsense right now. -- Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. Actually disregard. Please keep it up. -- These self-important delicate flowers continue to outdo themselves. Hey Brian - America really doesn't care.
What Stelter and many others don’t seem to understand is that responses like this remind people why they distrust and dislike the news media so passionately. -- A Media outlet trying to ban the President from talking directly to the people so we have to use them as a gatekeeper. This is CNN. -- Everything this guy says and quotes is agendized crap. -- This is why everyone hates you and your profession. -- No, WWE isn't real. If anything, CNN violates twitter terms by continuing to operate under the guise of "news" when it's in fact propaganda. -- The hot takes are worse than the tweet itself. They just can’t help themselves.