Fake news CNN was met by an angry group of protesters at their Atlanta headquarters who demanded that the fake news stop. Breitbart reported: More than 150 protesters charged the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia to share their disgust with the network’s peddling of “fake news” against President Trump’s administration. With signs reading “FNN #FakeNewsNetwork” and others targeting the networks’ advertisers such as AT&T and Microsoft, protesters chanted “CNN fake news!” directly in front of the CNN Centers’ signature logo. Protesters told Breitbart News that the rally against CNN was an effort to call out the media corporation for its unbalanced coverage of the Trump administration and its targeting of Americans, most specifically the creator of the anti-CNN wrestling match meme that the President tweeted out.
“We are standing up and fighting back against the real damage that CNN is doing to this country today,” Brian Maloney with the Media Equalizer told Breitbart News. “There are real victims of their smear campaigns … they have an entire team of smear merchants employed for the express purpose of deny this current President any appointees or nominees whatsoever.” -- “[Americans’] lives are being destroyed when they are unfairly smeared and targeted, falsely accused of plagiarism, and everything else that has been going on,” Maloney said. -- Covering the story for Breitbart was John Binder, a former author at American Lookout. John Binder: “Americans storm CNN HQs”