North Carolina NAACP President Dr. Rev. William Barber said Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that “rolling back health care and living wages” was what white nationalists want.
“Richard Spencer and others want a GOP that attacks immigrants, that rolls back voting rights and rolls back equal protection policies and attacks immigrants,” Barber told host Joy Reid.
He continued, “We have to understand that white supremacy, white nationalism has an agenda, so it’s right to protest the statues, but understand the history. And so if we march there, then we need to march on the Congress and the senators, and say, do you agree with rolling back voting rights? Because that’s a white supremacist position. Do you agree with attacking immigrants? Because that is a white supremacist, white nationalist agenda.”
“Do you agree with rolling back health care and living wages?” he added. “Because that’s what white nationalists also want to do. Do you agree with rolling back equal protection under the law? Because that’s what white nationalists do.”